Not a mondaymorning joke !

"Humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb. If the vast majority of the world's scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced."
This is how "An inconvenient thruth"(Al Gore) is presented and I just found out about this very interesting documentary, Global Dimming, from the BBC, you can watch it by clicking on this link.
As the french elections are going strong and all candidates come up with their programs, Sarkozy with a "pacte republicain" and Royal with her "pacte presidentiel" I just hope that they don't forget they signed for the "pacte ecologique" of Nicolas Hulot and will keep their word and think of this world we are leaving behind us for our children and grand-children. It really worries me, are we so selfish that we don't care about nature, that we don't care about what we are destroying ? We all should talk about it, we all should participate on this, everyday we should think of it and everyday we can make it better ! No use in thinking of how much money we can make tomorrow or how much money this and how much money that... with no descent world to live in we don't need a single penny !!!
It is probably a most scary movie, Gore's documentary, but I simply must see it. (Just as I am obliged to see "A night at the Museum" with Ben Stiller, which may also be somewhat scary on another level, but we are starting to lose the point her.)I am glad the French are taken environmental issues seriously. I wish the subject were more alive in the Netherlands. At times it would seem that the Dutch only bother about the environment when it gets into their soup - that is, when the soup is thinned by the rising sea waters. A silly statement, I know, but a fair one none the less. Thank you, Sien, for informing us (and keeping us informed) on Mr Hulot's "ecological pact". It is very interesting.
Sorry but the link to "pacte ecologique " was wrong, I've put in the right one for the interested readers.
And by the way, I would love to see the Ben Stiller too, I'm sure it's hilarious ! We do need to keep on having a good time with such miseries going on !
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