As the Juan les Pins Jazz Festival is on we could hear BB KING on stage, 50 meters from our table, giving a wonderful 1 1/2 hr concert (80 years old, this was his farewell to France Concert). Keith B.Brown opened the evening with some wild blues, after that BB KING had us enjoy some of his standards and ended up giving us the New Orleans blues feeling (this was Manny's remark, and he was right !) So in the Juan les Pins "Bayou" we were singing in harmony "Oh When the Saints" and I knew there were more lyrics to it so here for y'all :
We are trav'ling in the footsteps
Of those who've gone before
And we'll all be reunited,
On a new and sunlit shore,
Oh, when the saints go marching in,
Oh, when the saints go marching in,
Oh, when the saints go marching in
Lord how I want to be in that number
When the saints go marching in
And when the sun
And when the sun
begins to shine
And when the sun begins to shine
Lord, how I want to be in that number
When the sun begins to shine
Oh, when the saints go marching in,
Oh, when the saints go marching in,
Oh, when the saints go marching in
Lord how I want to be in that number
When the saints go marching in
Oh, when the trumpet sounds its call
Oh, when the trumpet sounds its call
Oh, when the trumpet sounds its call
Lord, how I want to be in that number
When the trumpet sounds its call
Oh, when the saints go marching in,
Oh, when the saints go marching in,
Oh, when the saints go marching in
Lord how I want to be in that number
When the saints go marching in
And the clue of the evening, our BDAY cake, an incredible "Millefeuille" with strawberries and Fireworks... (Millefeuille is my favorite and also my mothers, lekker hè moeps...)
Another birthday has gone by, but we certainly won't wait for next year to party again ! Joan, you certainly are a QUEEN of life and isn't it great to have a mid-summer birthday ? Next time we will finish swimming in the sea !
Lieve Sientje, Weliswaar te laat,maar wel aan je gedacht gisteren. Ik zag het helemaal voor me daar in Juan. Wens je een heel goed volgend jaar toe, en hef het glas op je gezondheid samen met R.Ph en Annemiek die hier vanavond eten. Leuk hè, dat je weer ouderwets kan geiten met R.Ph. Als hij de moed er maar in houdt.Veel liefs ook voor je kindjes en Philippe. Kus Tapien.
Mon cher Sien: What a wonderful experience for us, expats to this beautiful area! The evening was perfect, the meal was great, and the company was divine. All down to the panache of you and Philippe - you are gifted hosts and every guest felt special. I loved having dinner with my feet in the cool sand. Manny says it was the first time after dinner that he hung up his pants and sand came running out of the cuffs.
Now that we know the second verse to "When the Saints Come Marching In", be prepared for a rousing rendition the next time we gather.
All our love et merci beaucoup,
Queenie (aka Opidienne) and Manny
@ Tapien, wat leuk om uw bezoekje te hebben op mijn blog, ik zei net nog tegen "kleine" Ellen via de email dat ik niets van de enthousiaste familie hoor die bij de opening van mijn virtuele café een drankje kwamen halen ! Zo zie ik dat jullie toch lezen, dank daar voor, liefs aan RPH en Annemiek en een omhelzing voor Oncle Miel, kus !
@Joan, now do you remember why you came to live here ?
PS @ Tapien, ik kreeg van Talies toch zo'n mooi cadeau ! Echt verwend hoor !
It was very generous of Mr B.B. King to provide you and your party with music. How is that for a serenade! I'll convey my best wishes again by saying Happy birthday Lucille, er, Lu Sien?
(This last, rather silly joke of mine refers to B.B. King's loving and lovable obsession with "Lucille", his guitar and, perhaps also his lady? LuSien has a nice ring, or so LuEpp seems to think. "Lu" is actually a Southern Italian version of the singular article "il" which is, unfortunately in the case of Sien, of masculine grammatical gender. LuEpp, incidentally, means "De Huib". But of course, this post was not about me. Sorry.)
"De Huib" always makes me laugh, you come up with a story for everything, and Yes, Lucille was there too ofcourse ! She wined while we dined !
Ciao Ciccio, sorry for the belated whishes, saw you on my verjaardags kalender but i have been flying my ass off so gefeliciflapstaart
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